Thursday, June 10, 2010

The re-Tool

Ok, it has almost been two years since I posted anything. Apparently the last post (below) contained about two years worth of posting in itself. People complained. I was offended...I'm ready to forgive...

I've found two things since July 2008 (well, more than that, but for the sake of BREVITY, I shall limit myself to two things). Exactly 15 days after my last post, I took out my future wife on our first date. We went peach picking; we got married. I love her to death. She's kept a very good record of our lives (The Famblog). Annnnd...

I've found sports radio, which I guess means I am an actual commuter. Any potential for productive thought on my 1hr+ ride home has given way to the latest 3 stories ESPN has allowed to be spoken of that day. It's not all bad. I like the show I listen to--The Sports Reporters (AM 980; ESPN Radio in DC)-- and it helps me unwind.

At this point, however, I'm regaining a sports vigor I haven't had since high school. Perhaps that means I'm immaturing as my hair thins and joints stiffen, but for now I need an outlet! Sometimes the media skips over my great ideas and interesting comments and it's not fair to everyone. least until this phase passes and I find something better to do with my commute, I'm going to use this to stop myself from talking back to the radio on my way home...


Anonymous said...

FINALLY! Can't wait to see another post in 2 years.

Becky said...

i predict your next post will be the birth of your first child...
just kidding! i'm excited to read your commuter rants :)
love you!

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

hooray for babe!!!!!

StrongerFamilies said...

I like The re-Tool.